Dorset Bach Cantata Club

The Orchestra
All members should complete and return the Membership and Consent Form:

Volunteer members are experienced orchestral musicians, drawn from Dorset and adjacent counties. The core of string players (normally is complemented by additional bassoon and organ continuo and normally a pair of oboes, sometimes with flutes, recorders, horns, trumpets, timps as required for a reasonably close representation of Bach's original instrumentation.
For practical reasons we play at concert pitch, not on period instruments. Our conductors are committed to historically informed performance.
As well as providing an authentic complement for the choir, players are able to gain insights into style and interpretation from our specialist conductors. The friendly social environment encourages our musicians to come back time and time again.
Parts are usually posted two to three weeks in advance. These may be copies of originals handwritten by Paul Steinitz. Preparation may be needed to review legibility, repeats and page turns, to avoid wasted time at the weekend.
London Bach Society markups should not be altered. Additional annotations must of course be made in pencil and erased before return.
We are keen to hear from prospective players of the standard required. The orchestra is voluntary, and temporary vacancies often arise. Musical balance is paramount, so attendance is by invitation only.
A VOLUNTARY donation of £10 is welcome!
Orchestral Secretaries: Lynnet Williams (strings), Helen Smith (brass & woodwind)
DBCC pays serious attention to confidentiality, security and the privacy of members. Please read our Privacy Policy.