Dorset Bach Cantata Club

The Dorset Bach Cantata Club meets for three weekends each year. Our meeting in February 2025 will be at the D'Urberville Centre, Wool, BH20 6DL.
The Club provides a unique opportunity for amateur choral singers to study, rehearse and perform these inspiring, deeply spiritual, joyous works. There is no audition.
We sing Bach in German. You do not need to be a German speaker. Help is given with pronunciation and diction, and translations are available. Choir sections sing all recitatives and arias.
The choir rehearses intensively on Saturday, with expert direction and keyboard accompaniment. An invited orchestra joins the choir on Sunday. The weekend culminates in an informal performance for friends and family, from 16:30 to 17:30
We meet on the second weekends of February, May and October.​​​
2025 Programme
February 8/9 2025 At the D’Urberville Centre, Wool BH20 6DL
Cantata 61: Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland
Cantata 182: Himmelskönig, sei willkommen
Cantata 182
Cantata 61
May 10/11 2025 At the D’Urberville Centre, Wool BH20 6DL
Cantata 118: O Jesu Christ, mein’s lebens Licht
Cantata 146: Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal
Motet BWV 230: Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden
Vocal scores will be posted here at least 2 months before the weekend.
While most singers prefer to print in advance (some preparation is vital!) we may have a small number of copies to lend on the day.
The Hundred Club
The 100 Club is a restricted lottery (i.e. open only to singers and orchestra) which yields vital income for DBCC while rewarding subscribers with cash prizes. Draws are held regularly. Join the 100 Club to help ensure our future.
Download the form here: